Enter the Analysis Matrix 1/8/2025

Check out the app

When I first decided to grow my small freelance software business into a bigger software shop, one of the better decisions I made was getting a business leadership coach. Her name was Ann and she gave great advice. I wasn't so great at following said advice, but that's for a different write-up.

One of our earlier sessions was about task delegation and she used a modified version of the Eisenhower Matrix as a tool to help determine what tasks to do myself and what tasks to delegate. The Eisenhower Matrix uses the relationship between urgency and importance to determine task priorizitation. Replace "urgency" and "importance" with "talent/skill" and "passion/joy", and you have a dangerously potent introspection inducing brew for the conscious human mind.

The modification was a simple but powerful one, because it made me truly think about how I was spending my time vs how I wanted to be spending my time. Of course we can't always be doing whatever we want and these things tend to change with the seasons of life. But, we only have a limited amount of life on this planet so shouldn't we be spending it doing the things that bring us joy? Aaanywaaaay...

I found myself returning to this tool again and again so I decided to build a web version. In 2022 I built a proof of concept. Here is a modified version of the original build. (WARNING: not mobile friendly)

Passion / Joy
Talent / Skill
Product design
Website design
Auto repair
App maintainence
Feature development
Project management
Drag and drop an item into the matrix

const techStack = [html, css, vanilla-js, love];